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I am a student of Information Studies and Librarianship at Charles University in Prague. According to my study recently I have been writing a Master Thesis on… 813 We can give You some links to go on. For the history of photography in Finland the center is Suomen valokuvataiteenmuseo http://www.valokuvataiteenmuseo.fi/ Aalto-yliopisto is the School of Art and design http://www.taik.fi/en/ and is conneteced to so called The Helsinki School of Photography. Their library database is following http://www.taik.fi/en/services_/aralis_library.html. Maybe also links of Peri Gallery in Turku can help You. http://www.peri.fi/
I am looking for some information about the bookstore of anni Liljefors in Abo/Turku round 1900.Did she have a business relation with Forlag Hans A.Hanson in… 1293 The only thing we were able to find out about the bookstore of Anni Liljefors was the name and the phone number of the bookstore in the telephone directory of the year 1905. It sold at least school books (Skolbokshandeln / Koulukirjakauppa). So we can verify that the bookstore existed but no other information was found.
Which countries have the biggest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature fields? 569 A quick counting in Wikipedia made a result of 12 prizes for USA, 9 to France, Germany and UK, 7 for Sweden and 6 for Spain and Italy. For an more accurate information check pages of Nobelprize.org in http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/ or Wikipedia http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/
For months I have been looking on the Internet for places where I could buy neem contraceptive products. Are there doctors in Finland who are knowledgeable… 171 As you have noticed yourself, it's quite hard to find information about neem contraceptive products. There is a list of links concerning alternative medicine in this address: http://www.fimnet.fi/linkit/Laaketiede/Vaihtoehtolaaketiede/index.html Perhaps you can find there some further information about these products, and places where to buy them. You can also visit the homepage of Finnish Medical Association. http://www.laakariliitto.fi/e/index.html You can ask there if they know any doctors, who can tell you more about these contraceptive products.
I am seeking information about the etymology of finnish words. I expect that the infomation available will be in finnish. Do you know of any material that is… 253 Professor Ulla-Maija Kulonen has written some information about the etymology of finnish words. Her material is available on-line. http://virtual.finland.fi/netcomm/news/showarticle.asp?intNWSAID=25830 Verbs saapua and saavuttaa are derived from the verb saada. They are native words. Saapas is a loan word from Russian. ---- Many libraries have etymological dictionary: Suomen sanojen alkuperä : etymologinen sanakirja. 1 - 3. -Helsinki : Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus, 1992 - 2000.
I need information about Reading Research in Finland. 289 It has been quite hard to define what kind of material You actually need. Reading research is a vast area and the links provided here may or may not be useful. First, the links to the Internet where You should have a free access from any Internet account: "The finnish success in PISA and some reasons behind it PISA 2000" Authors and Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä http://www.jyu.fi/ktl/pisa/publication1.pdf "Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow: Further Results from PISA 2000 - Publications 2000" http://www.pisa.oecd.org/document/21/0,2340,en_32252351_32236159_336886… "Summary of “Finland Reads” studies from 1989, 1995, and 2003" Drafted by Yrjö Repo from the reports of Taloustutkimus Oy http://www.skyry.…
My question is: the city of Turku has honoured a famous dutchman. Do you know the name of the person? Thanks for the effort. Greetings from Holland. 828 There is a street called Peter Thorwöste road in Turku. Peter Thorwöste was a dutchman, who lived in Turku in the 17th century, and died here 1659. He was a well-known tradesman and industrialist, he founded for example ironworks in Fiskars. Some further information about Fiskars you can find here: http://www.fiskars.fi/pdf/Fiskars_history_eng.pdf Could this Peter Thorwöste be "the famous dutchman" you are looking for? If he is not, could you please give us more information about the man you are trying to identify. When did he live? What did he do for living?
Hella Wuolijoki's "Niskavuoren Heta" - all about this female Finnish writer. 568 There are some articles about Hella Wuolijoki in English. I found these: Lounela, Pekka: Hella Wuolijoki : a woman of contrasts. In journal Books from Finland. 1979 p. 120-183 Tarkka, Pekka: Open wide gates. In journal Books from Finland. 1991: 4: 226-227. Hawkins, Hildi (transl.): Hella Wuolijoki : a versatile talent : 1886-1954. In journal Books from Finland. 1986: 2, p. 90-95 Koski, Pirkko: Hella Wuolijoki, 1886-1954. In Modern drama by women 1880s-1930s : an international anthology. London, Routledge 1996 Koski, Pirkko: Introduction. Portraits of courage : plays by Finnish women. Helsinki, Helsinki university press, 1997 There is also a monograph concerning films based on Wuolijoki's plays: Koivunen, Anu: Performative histories,…
I want to know the meaning and history of the Finnish name Helinä. 604 Helinä is a popular variation of Helena. It has the same origin as English Helen = Greek Helene, feminine of Helenos "the bright one, shining one". Finnish writer Santeri Ivalo used Helinä in his historical novel "Juho Vesainen" 1894. Helinä also means tinkle.
What is the best book - in english - describing the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and Russia. Seeking volume describing heroic and brave efforts made by… 523 It's difficult to name the best one, but here is 3 newest ones that we have in our collection: Trotter, William R.: A frozen hell: the Russo-Finnish winter war of 1939-1940. Chapel Hill (N.C.): Algonquin books of Chapel Hill, 1991. Van Dyke, Carl: The Soviet invasion of Finland 1939-40. London: Franks Cass, 1997 and by an Finnish historian: Vehviläinen, Olli: Finland in the Second world war: between Germany and Russia. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.
How do I renew online? 502 You can renew your loans twice online. Go to our home page http://borzoi.kirja.turku.fi:80/Intro?cust=853A&formid=form1&sesid=1004… and choose "loans". Then you have to give your customer identification code (your library card) and password in order to sign on (if yo don't have a password yet, you will get it from any library in Turku City Library). Now you can renew your loans by selecting the loans you want to renew and clicking on "renew selected loans". The renewed loans are placed at the end of the list.
Family history. 177 The website adress to Finnish Genealogical Society is http://www.genealogia.fi/indexe.htm . You'll find more links on that site.
Where can I get information on the Kuusisto Castle and the restored Kuusisto Manor? Are there any photographs of the Manor? I would appreciate receiving any… 593 The Kuusisto Castle and the Manor are situated on the Island of Kuusisto near the town of Kaarina, and they are not connected to the Kuusisto family (Kuusisto is a common surname in Western and Central Finland). In the following Finnish pages there are photographs of the Kuusisto Manor (Kuusiston kartano): http://www.nba.fi/MUSEUMS/KUUSKART/index.htm and http://www.nba.fi/MUSEUMS/KUUSKART/hist.htm Here is a photograph of the ruins of the Kuusisto Castle (Kuusiston linna): http://www.nba.fi/MUUTKOHT/KUUSISTO/ http://www.nba.fi/MUUTKOHT/KUUSISTO/historia.htm And these pages contain some information in English about the Castle and the Manor: http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/castles7.html http://www.genealogia.fi/emi/art/lstar96e…
In 1996 a novel by Juha Tapio was published, in Finnish, about "Frankenstein" coming back in the 20th century. Is there an English translation of this novel… 484 Unfortunately, according to the Finnish national bibliography, Juha K. Tapio's novel "Frankensteinin muistikirja" has not been translated into any other language.