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Guidelines for services to teens (12-18) in public libraries in Finland. 112 Services for teens differs between Public libraries in Finland.  In the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016) it says, that public libraries are tasked with: 1) providing access to materials, information and cultural contents; 2) maintaining versatile and up-to-date collections; 3) promoting reading and literature; 4) providing information services, guidance and support in the acquisition and use of information and in versatile literacy skills; 5) providing premises for learning, recreational activities, working, and civic activities; 6) promoting social and cultural dialogue. These services are of course aimed at teens also and very often libraries co-operate with schools to provide these services for teens. It is very common that a librarian…
Mannerheim statue in Seinäjoki 313 There is a small publication about the parks in Seinäjoki "Seinäjoen puistot ja viheralueet" published by the city of Seinäjoki in 2015. There is a short text concerning the Mannerheim Park and statue. You can find this publication on the website of the city of Seinäjoki: There are also too older booklets that might be useful for your project. Unfortunately they are not in digital form. Ahti Mäntylä: Seinäjoella sijaitsevien sotiimme liittyvien sotamuistomerkkien kertomaa, 2000 (What the war memorials in Seinäjoki tell us) Hilkka-Maija Keskinen: Seinäjoen patsaita, 1992. (Statues of Seinäjoki) 
Information about this service? How can we plan for new digital reference in a library? 1665 You can find information on this service at… It's the archive of this service and there are answers to several similar questions than yours. Information on your second question: Ifla Digital reference guidelines Overview on services in 2009… Virtual reference best practices : tailoring services to your library by M. Kathleen Kern. Chicago : American Library Association, 2009. The virtual reference handbook : interview and information delivery techniques for the chat and e-mail environments / Diane K. Kovacs. London : Facet, 2007. At Google Books…
What is the semantic web ? 876 The Semantic Web vision was conceived by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. He calls it the next step in Web evolution. Berners-Lee defines the Semantic Web as “a web of data that can be processed directly and indirectly by machines.” The Semantic Web brings to the Web the idea of having data defined and linked in a way that it can be used for more effectively. It uses XML tags and is sometimes called web 3.0. You can find more definitions to the term semantic web on the following websites:
How many countries contains "Union Jack" in their national flags? 1484 There are many countries and especially colonies that have uset Union Jack in their flags. According to Wikipedia, four countries have nowadays Union Jack as a part of their flags: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tuvalu. In addition many territories and regions have Union Jack in their flag. Further information:
What was the cost and source of funding for the Seinäjoki city library? 514 In Finland the libraries are funded by tax revenues. So the source of funding for the library was partly state aid and partly it was paid by the city of Seinäjoki. The library building was finished in 1965 and the cost was then 1 041 145,86 Finnish marks. It would be about 9 001 222,20 Finnish marks in the value of mark in 2001. If we change it in to euros it would be about 1 514 000 euros. As you can see the cost of the building was very low. Nowadays the cost of building a library would be twice as much.
How many books does the Seinäjoki city library hold? 604 Our collection includes 252 487 volumes of which 209 004 are books.
What is the total square footage of the Seinäjoki city library? 506 The total floor area of the library is 1600 m2 and the cubic capasity is 6700 m3.
Is there any newspaper articles about Heikki Klemetti? Also anything else. Any known relatives. Doing family tree. Thank you for any help 572 Heikki Klemetti, a finnish composer, was born in Kuortane February 14th 1876. His father was Herman Klemetti and mother Eva Lovisa Vettberg. He married Armi Hämäläinen (born April 12th 1885) in 1908, she was a daughter of Lauri Hämäläinen and Emma Fredrika Kekoni. Heikki Klemetti died in Helsinki August 26th 1953. More information about Heikki Klemetti can be found on the following web-site of Finnish Music Information Centre There are articles about Klemetti in finnish, I didn't find any in english. You can find information about Finnish Family History Research on