I am looking for the e-book version of the sole commentary with the following bibliographic details: Bibliographic information Title: Guide to the Finnish… |
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Unfortunately, the book is not available for the public use. You have to buy a license to read it. For example, in our library one can read the book inside parliament's own network, because we have bought the license to use it. Only options are commercial e-book bookshops, like: https://www.kauppakamarikauppa.fi/collections/juridiikka-kirjat/products/opas-keskuskauppakamarin-valimiesmenettelysaantoihin-guide-to-the-finnish-arbitration-ruleshttps://lakitieto.edita.fi/verkkokauppa/rikos-ja-prosessioikeus/rikos-ja-prosessioikeus-kirjat/guide-to-the-finnish-arbitration-rules/ |
Dear Ask a Librarian Team I am a librarian at the University of Stirling and have been asked for advice on how to cite Finnish legislation, legal cases and… |
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Here are a few webguides to citation in the Finnish legislation.
I am looking for information about a specific activity within the Nordic Countries social security system. Some of these countries send their senior citizen to… |
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In Finland there are certain links of our social security system for the seniors:
(not in english, sw, fin)
2. Nordic countries
(of Nordic countries, publications in electronic form)
Dear Sir! I wonder about inheritance rules for digital contents(Email, Blog, Homepage for social networking, Game avatar etc) If someone die in a sudden, He or… |
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Dear Sir
According to the [Finnish) Copyright Act (404/1961)
Anyone who has created a literary or artistic work has a copyright for his/her work (in section 1).
(The work can be e.g. in digital form or the work can be published on the web, but it has to be a work. I'm sure You understand well, that in many cases there is a difficult judicial question about that if some creation is/is not a work.)
After the death of the author the copyright is applicable to matrimonial law, wills and succession rules. (in section 41)
Unfortunately the Copyright Act translation is not available in Finlex (an open judicial data bank on the web). You can ask for a translation to English of the Ministry of the Justice
e-mail: viestinta.om@om.fi
I hope this… |
When did the civil wars stop in us ..? |
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The US Civil war ended in 1865.
I would like to mention actuall legislation (maybe evolution of the legislation aswell) about corruption (bribery) in my bachelor essey. Could you please… |
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Various forms of bribary are criminalized in Chapter 40 of the Penal Code of Finland 39/1889 as amended. An unofficial translation of the Penal Code is available in the Finlex database: http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/1889/en18890039.pdf
Ari Salminen, Olli-Pekka Viinamäki and Rinna Ikola-Norrbacka at the Faculty of Public Administration at Vaasa University has published an article with the title "The Control of Corruption in Finland". The article was published in 2008 and is available electronically in the following website: http://www.ramp.ase.ro/en/_data/files/articole/9_02.pdf
The article gives a good general presentation of the legislative framework and social structures preventing corruption in Finland. The article also gives… |
Were can I find information about the russian Baron Vladimir von Clewesahl-Steinheil and his family? In the beginning of the 19th century he was in Finland,… |
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You can ask advice of National Archive of Finland.
I would like to know, if there is a web page, where I can find information on types of events in Finnish public libraries (if there is such a classification)? |
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Yes, there are public libraries in Finland as well. The webpage of the Finnish libraries, http://www.libraries.fi , contains mostly information about Finnish public libraries. See, the Libraries channel, Public libraries, http://www.libraries.fi/page.asp?_item_id=1136 .
On the Front Page and in the section Library branch of this site you can find some information about events in Finnish public libraries. However, the major part of the information about events in public libraries in Finland is published in Finnish and Swedish at the same site (http://www.kirjastot.fi , http://www.biblioteken.fi ).
You can also visit the site of the Finnish Library Association, http://kirjastoseura.kaapeli.fi/etusivu/apua/english .
Where may I find information about virtuals courses to learn mathematics and physics? |
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You can find information about these virtual courses by using a search machine like Google and writing in the search box "learn mathematics and physics" (note the quatation marks - they determine, that the search will look for a phrase).
I reside in Russia.Do I have a possibility to use the funds of a Finnish research library using the Internet? |
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Dear Finland Librarian colleague, I would appreciate if the library could acquire the following books (1-2 copies each, where possible), as general… |
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This service is only for questions related with information seeking.
Could you help me please! i'm looking for old photo's of finnish proffesions. Old pictures about men working on a railroad or making a tunnel..or something… |
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I am sorry, we don't have photos in our collections. I'd ask You to contact to National Board of Antiques,please.
I want to every details about buddhism |
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Here is couple of links via Google-search http://www.google.fi/
There is a lot of information of buddhism and it is quite complex religion, too. You have to just browse all kind of information to get what you want. Books you can find by contacting your nearest local library and using different library catalogues, also in internet.
Has the book "Malowany ptak" by the Polish author Jerzy Kosinski been published in Finland? |
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The book "Malowany ptak " by Jerzy Kosinski has been published in Finland by the name
"Kirjava lintu" in 1967. This edition has been translated from the English version "The painted
bird" by Asko Salokorpi.