I would like to mention actuall legislation (maybe evolution of the legislation aswell) about corruption (bribery) in my bachelor essey. Could you please…


I would like to mention actuall legislation (maybe evolution of the legislation aswell) about corruption (bribery) in my bachelor essey. Could you please reccomend me some sources where I could find some information about corruption in Finland if we talk about criminal law?


Last updated

Various forms of bribary are criminalized in Chapter 40 of the Penal Code of Finland 39/1889 as amended. An unofficial translation of the Penal Code is available in the Finlex database: http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/1889/en18890039.pdf

Ari Salminen, Olli-Pekka Viinamäki and Rinna Ikola-Norrbacka at the Faculty of Public Administration at Vaasa University has published an article with the title "The Control of Corruption in Finland". The article was published in 2008 and is available electronically in the following website: http://www.ramp.ase.ro/en/_data/files/articole/9_02.pdf
The article gives a good general presentation of the legislative framework and social structures preventing corruption in Finland. The article also gives provides some relevant statistics on the subject.

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