I'm looking for information about the values in librarianship in Finland, especially the values in reference services. Perhaps there's even some information…


I'm looking for information about the values in librarianship in Finland, especially the values in reference services. Perhaps there's even some information about values in digital reference services.


Last updated

The Helsinki City Library has published Values of library work in it's pages,
http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?_item_id=2304 .
I suppose the same values concern the Reference Services, too. About the Ask a Librarian you can read some guidelines on our infomation page,
http://www.libraries.fi/en-gb/ask_librarian/about/ . Our main values are the same as usually in the libraries, specially i could name equality, confidentiality, and of course quality (relevant answers) and delivering the answer within the time rate, as quickly as possible.

For more information on finnish Digital Reference Services (Libraries), see http://www.kirjastot.fi/kirjastoala/verkkotietopalvelu/#suomalaisetkirj… .

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