I'm from Brazil and I have do a academic work and Did can you answer any questions about reference service? Supposed I need a book, a book about the museum in…


Hello, I'm from Brazil and I have do a academic work and Did can you answer any questions about reference service?
Supposed I need a book, a book about the museum in oslo, about the vikings ships. Is there a book on this subject?
Which I recommend me?
That there have not, where would I find?


Last updated

Here below is the website of The Viking Ship Museum in Norway (Oslo):


There is also a viking ship museum in Danmark (Roskilde):


You can find books published by this museum here:


Here is also some books about viking ships:

- The Viking Ship / Gareth Williams
- The Viking Longship / Jørn Olav Løset
- The age of the Vikings / Anders Winroth

Maybe there is something useful for you also in these websites:



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