I'm a french guy writing you from Paris. I'm wondering where may I find other "Ask a librarian" websites on the web. Such websites from Europe, USA, Canada and…


I'm a french guy writing you from Paris.
I'm wondering where may I find other "Ask a librarian" websites on the web. Such websites from Europe, USA, Canada and latin America.
Excuse me for asking another question, but it is very short: do you have archives of other "customers" 's question ? Yes, where may I read these other question ? No, well, it's ok but think about it, it could be interesting for everyone.


Last updated

Finnish Ask a librarian- service has an open archive. You can find it on the page www.libraries.fi, on the top on the right there is a link to Ask a librarian-service and right under that Archive. There are links to several online services from the page www.libraries.fi (Finnish version www.kirjastot.fi > Kirjastoala (on the top on the right) > Verkkotietopalvelu (on the bottom on the left) > Kirjastojen verkkotietopalveluita (or direct address http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi-FI/kirjastoala/verkkotietopalvelu/ )You can also find several European libraries from this address http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org. You can search for online-services from each library’s own page. It is possible to find several Ask a librarian-services around the world just using Google search (www.google.com) and writing there “Ask a libararian”. Here is one direct address in Denmark http://www.biblioteksvagten.dk (also in English) and another in Germany (Berlin) http://www.zlb.de/fragen_sie_uns (in several languages, also in French).

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