I am hoping to research Media & Minority/Cultural information. Can you tell me if there is a Communication/Media or Cultural library and a contact person I can…


I am hoping to research Media & Minority/Cultural information. Can you tell me if there is a Communication/Media or Cultural library and a contact person I can email there?


Last updated

Journalistic and media studies are offered in several universities in Finland. A good starting point to get an overview of media studies in Finland is the University network for communication sciences, http://viesverk.uta.fi//index.php?lang=en .

Tampere University also has journalistic and media studies in their Department of Journalism and
Mass Communication, http://www.uta.fi/jour/index1.html . In Tampere University there is also The Journalism Research and Development Centre http://www.uta.fi/jourtutkimus/basics.html .

Research concerning ethnic minorities and media, for example, is also done in the faculty of humanities in Jyväskylä University, Department of language, within the subject of discourse studies, http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/kielet/en/research/discourse/. See also the Department of communication in Jyväskylä http://www.jyu.fi/hum/laitokset/viesti/en/. Tourula library of communicational sciences in Jyväskylä campus: http://kirjasto.jyu.fi/showtext.php?keyword=kirjastosta-palvelupisteet-… .

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