I am a bachelor of librarianship and information programme in Vilnius University Communication faculty (Lithuania, Europe). At the moment I am writing the…


I am a bachelor of librarianship and information programme in Vilnius University Communication faculty (Lithuania, Europe). At the moment I am writing the bachelor work entitled "Business Information in libraries". Could You please help me by telling about Your library, maybe You have some special internet pages, were I could find some information on this subject. Or could You offer some articles or books, because in my country this subject is too little discussed.

Thank You in advance


Last updated

While Helsinki City Library provides a fundamental civic service available to everyone Helsinki School of Economics http://helecon.hkkk.fi/kirjasto/?lang=eng is the National Resource Library of Economics and Business in Finland. Maybe you could contact there: E-mail: library@hkkk.fi

Helsinki City Library’s collections includes of course business material. Our collections can be found on page http://www.helmet.fi/screens/opacmenu.html . Use Keyword Search “business” for english material. You can see Helsinki City Library’s digital material and databases on page http://www.lib.hel.fi/english/library_info/library_materials_and_dbas/d… . Mainly for business information there is database called Helecon MIX, which is procuded by Helsinki School of Economics library.

At Helsinki City Library’s disposal is the Ebsco MasterFILE Premier Database. At least search - business information libraries - gives several full text articles. Many of these articles are published at Library Journal http://libraryjournal.reviewsnews.com From that page you can also find the link “Reed business information” http://www.reedbusiness.com/portal/rp_home.htm

More links to library periodicals you can find on libraries.fi page http://www.kirjastot.fi/page.asp?_item_id=499

More business information in libraries: Library - IBIC (International Business Information Centre) http://www.t-bird.edu/about_us/lib_research/lib_ibic/index.htm

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