How do u make a successful mobile library?


How do u make a successful mobile library?


Last updated

Tampere City library - Pirkanmaa regional library has got Netti-Nysse, it is Tampere Way to say Internetbus.

Some articles of Information Science Abstracts. Mobile library services: Australia trends. A. Kenneally C. Payne Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services 13 (2) Jun 2000, p.63-71. il. tbls. Refs. Tampere mobile library service part 2. A. Kyostio Service Point (72) Sep 1998, p.34.Launching a mobile: New mobile library at last!. D. Allanach D. Hamilton Service Point (68) Feb 97, p.23, 25.

State Library of Queensland has got a mobile libraries mailing lists and mobile library literature reading list

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