/ Hello, I would like to understand the professional preparation of librarians in Finland. In the United States where I am from, practicing librarians have a…


Hei / Hello,

I would like to understand the professional preparation of librarians in Finland. In the United States where I am from, practicing librarians have a MLIS (Master's in Library and Information Science) from an American Library Association accredited program. Library staff (not full librarians) may or may not have a Bachelor's degree. What is the case for Finnish Librarians - are there library schools they must attend? Do they have a credential such as MLIS? Is there a difference in training for public librarians / school librarians / special librarians / academic librarians? Is there a doctorate program for library and information science in Finland - this might be an "i-school" or researchers in information behavior. Thank you for your time.


Last updated

In Finland you can study information studies in many places depending on the level you want to reach.

You can do higher level studies at Univeristy of Tampere, Univeristy of Oulu and Åbo Academy University. At university you can do Master's degree or Bachelor's degree (lower academic degree) in information studies. It is also possible to do the Licentiate and the Doctoral Degree studies. There are also researchers at the branch.

If you have a Master´s degree your title or graduate profile can be e.g Information Management Specialist, Information Specialist, Librarian, Chief Librarian or Head of Information Services.

You can also study information studies at polytechnic schools in Oulu, Turku and Seinäjoki. At polytechnic you can do Bachelor's degree. After graduation one can work as a Librarian but not as a Head Librarian.

You can also do the business school level studies in Vaasa, Helsinki and Kerava. In this level your title could be e.g. Library Secretary, Library Assistant or Assistant Librarian.

You can also take open university courses after which you can continue your studies in the above mentioned places if you pass the entrance exam.

All these three levels qualify for work in public, special and academic libraries. In Finland we do not have school library system but schools and public libraries collaborate a lot.

A degree is a reguirement if one wishes to have a permanent post.

Sources and links for more information:

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