A uncle to my dad recently passed away, and I'm trying to find an old article about him that he was very proud of. I wonder if you can point me in a direction…


Hi! A uncle to my dad recently passed away, and I'm trying to find an old article about him that he was very proud of. I wonder if you can point me in a direction on how I could find this article? Do I have to go to a library and ask or is it possible to find online? As I'm not in Finland I'll have to wait if so until summer. The article is either from early 70s or early 80s. It was about a lakko in the company Teräs Oy in Vaasa, i believe it was winter and cold outside.



Unfortunately we could not find the article in question. In the book Laukkonen, Ilmari: Teräs Oy 1910-1982 the strike was not mentioned. Regional newspapers of that time can be read by microfilms in Vaasa city library. Unfortunately it is not possible to search any specific article.

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