Where can I get an information about main holidays in Finland if I need it very soon? Please help me.


Where can I get an information about main holidays in Finland if I need it very soon? Please help me.


Last updated

I recommend you the Virtual Finland webpages maintained by the Press and Cultural Department of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the internet address http://virtual.finland.fi they are an excellent starting point to the Finnish society, politics, news and cultural events. On the mainpage choose FinFoDirectory. In the directory pick "The Finnish Way of Life". There you'll find articles about "The traditional Finnish festivities ", "Finnish Easter traditions", "Midsummer in Finland" etc. If you need the exact dates I recommend you to look in a good calendar, which usually list the main public holidays all over Europe. A good source is also "The Europe World Year Book" . The "Year 2000 volume" contains the dates of 2001 holidays in all the countries of the world.

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