Dear librarian,we can find the statistical data in different cities in Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database… |
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These pages you can find visitors and loans:
Choose download at right side so you get excel file.
If you search by word collections you can get different book and other collections. |
Dear librarian,Where can I find the annual collections,other services and visit of each library? I know that we can find the statistical visits of Libraries in… |
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You can find annual visits and collections statistics in Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database |
I would like to know the statistics of the Newspapers and Magazines in the system are the the the number of title? or the unit ? |
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In the Finnish Public Library Statistics the number is the number of titles, that is different magazines and newspapers that are offered to the customers,,375&years=2019&stats=108 |
How many Finnish people use the mobile library for a year in 2019? Or, what is the usage rate of the mobile library for a year in 2019? Please let me know only… |
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The mobile library in Helsinki had 91322 visitors in 2019 according to newly computed statistics. For detailed information please contact the Mobile library.…
Nationwide library statistics can be found at |
What are stats in Finland for deaths related to pregnancy toxemia? It is 6.4 per 10,000 in US |
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There were five maternal deaths related to high blood pressure disorders of pregnancy between 1998 and 2017 in Finland, all of which were due to pre-eclampsia: Source: Statistics Finland, Causes of death (, database table 11bv -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, 3-character level), age and gender, 1998-2017.
Here is the number of parturients in Finland between 2007 and 2017: parturients 2007–2017. Source: National Institute for Health and Welfare, Parturients and delivery procedures. |
I'd like to ask you to find find articles and books about festival tourism in Europe |
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Your question is very wide ...
Here are a few links to make the subject narrower:
Google has scholar search:,5&as_vis=1,5&as_ylo=2018&as_vis=1&q=festivals+in+european+countries
and some statistics:
Worldcat is an… |
I am writing an academic article about public libraries and I need to send out my online questionnaires to Finnish public librarians. Who should I contact or… |
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There are several possibilities where to send your online questionnaires, depending on the nature of your survey. You have to decide to whom you want to send your questionnaires. You could think about whether you would like to send the questionnaires for the library administration (library directors etc.) or individual librarians. It could also be useful to think which libraries you want to include. The provincial libraries are the libraries that are in charge of the public library service in their regions. In addition to them, there are several smaller libraries and branch libraries.
Frank Metasearch -site includes a list of all Finnish public libraries and provincial libraries: After deciding which… |
What is the average salary of a librarian in Finland? Which source do I search for more information ? There is a librarian average salary history? |
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The average salary of a full-time librarian in Finland (both sexes, municipal libraries) has been 2583 e/month in 2014.
The table (Finnish) -->…
Please search for more info :… (English) (English) (Statistics Finland - Home)
I need some information about Finnish libraries. I have searched in the web but there is only information since 1999. I have read that the older statistics… |
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The Finnish ministry of education publishes on yearly basis via Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database ( If you need statistical information about the research and university libraries, they can be found here:
If you need more specified information about the statistics of Helsinki City Library, please contact Mr. Jouni Juntumaa (
Good evening, where can i find the statistics about helsinki library ? i have search Q&A and find a web site "Finnish Public Libraries Statistics", which… |
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You can find statistics about Helsinki city library so: > search statistics > Area selection > Municipality (Helsinki) > > Statistics selection > Loans or Personnel.
Or you can find them from Yearly reports:
We don’t have volunteers working in our libraries. Playing games by the library computers is usually allowable. Eating or drinking at the same time is not forbidden. It takes one to three days for a reserved book to go to an another Helmet library (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen city library).
How many books are published in Finland each year? Of which how many are children's books, and how many of them are translations of foreign books? Are there… |
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In the year 2010 12 017 books were published in Finland. 2 432 of them were translations into Finnish and 112 into Swedish. In 2008 815 childrens books were published. At this moment it is not possible to have newer information about childrens books because of the updating the statistics of Suomen kustannusyhdistys (the Finnish Book Publishers Association):
Sources of information:
- Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland,
- Kansalliskirjasto (The National Library of Finland,
- Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja (Statistical… |
I would like to ask you about legal deposit in Finland. The law determines that National library and some university libraries (Oulu, Jyväskylä, Åbo, Joensuu… |
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According to the Legal deposit copy law (2007) the producer of any printed material, sound recording or visual recording is liable for delivering legal deposit copies of the products free of charge. Printed material is here considered to be any product with technically duplicated text or visual content. ”The law takes no position on the material´s contents, nor does it set any political, aesthetic or moral priorities or restrictions.” (Agricolasta Aku Ankkaan, p. 39.) Thus, university libraries do get copies of materials belonging to their fields of authority, regardless of content or quality of the material in question.
Since 1984 the Finnish Film Archive (National Audiovisual Archive) assumed the responsibility for the supervision and… |
Dear Sir, I would like to seek your kind assistance to give answers for the following matters: 1. Is there any connection between Finnish Communications… |
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Thank you for your question!
1. FICORA and the libraries haven't got any direct connection with each other. FICORA's regulations and licences affect everything in Finland, so they have also affect on libraries. But this is indirect connection. You can read everything about FICORA here:
2. We don't have a ranking system for libraries, but we make yearly statistics about libraries' activities. The research and public libraries have their own and separate statistical systems:…
Which countries have the biggest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature fields. |
826 |
The Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to 105 persons between 1901-2008. The countries who have most Nobel Prize in Literature laureates are:
1. France (13)
2. United States (12)
3. United Kingdom (9)
4. Germany (8)
5. Italy (6)
Sweden (6)
7. Poland (5)
Spain (5)
9. Ireland (4)
10.Denmark (3)
10.Norway (3)
12.Japan (2)
Greece (2)
Chile (2)
South Africa (2)
Switzerland (2)
21 countries have one Nobel Prize in Literature laureate.
More detailed information:…
Could you provide me with statistics for the number of enquiries handled by the Helsinki Public Library for the years 2001, 2002, 2003? |
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Statistics for the number of enquiries handled by the Helsinki City Library for the years 2001, 2002, 2003:
2001: 1 164 629 (3666)
2002: 1 054 046 (5329)
2003: 748 601 (9618)
Parenthetic figures indicate the number of enquiries handled via the Internet.
I am looking for information about Finland, climate, agriculture, import or exports. |
1275 |
You will find good information
about the climate in Finland from the Finnish Meteorological Institute:
about the agriculture from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry:
about the trade from the Ministry of Trade and Industry:
and accurate statistical information from numerous subjects from the website of Statistics Finland:
More information about Finland You will find for example from
There is collection of information available in English on Finland's public sector organizations and public services. Most of the information is from the online services… |