
5 results. Showing 1–5 hits.
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My kids(2.8y and 1.3y) and I are traveling to Helsinki during May 2-9. I am wondering if there is a library in Helsinki with toddlars playing/reading area… 869 In Helsinki there are several libraries that have a special children’s department, for example Pasila, Kallio, Töölö, Rikhardinkatu, Itäkeskus and Vuosaari libraries. Children’s departments have a large collection of fairytales and picture books in several languages as well as some toys and puzzles. Also smaller libraries without children’s department have books for children. More information you can find on Helsinki City Library’s web page (choose In English to get the English page).
I hear that you have a kind of starter kit( how to use the library, etc?) for the children come to libraries for the first time. Will you please tell me about… 614 In Helsinki city library we have children’s web pages. In these pages Bookster (The official web creature of the Helsinki City Library) will show children for example how to use the library. You find pages in English here:
I would like to know if there exist any language course books for children who would like to learn finnish. Kiitos 986 There is a book ”Juttuja ja tuttuja: suomea toisena kielenä seitsemäsluokkalaisille, by Paula Konsti, Helsinki, Opetushallitus 2003 (text book for about 13 years old children who are lerning Finnish as a second language). There are also some cdroms like “Eka kieliromppuni: suomea” and “Opi suomea! lapsille”. Maybe you could also try some ABC-book meant for Finnish speaking children, there are several of them, for example Kallioniemi, Tuula: Sukkelat sanat:esiopetuksen aapinen. Also you could try some Finnish picture dictionary, for example Lappalainen, Ulla: Aamu, suomen kielen kuvasanakirja maahanmuuttajille, esiopetukseen, päiväkoteihin, erityisopetukseen, kotikäyttöön . Then there are many books to learn Finnish actually meant for…
'Utilization Public Library for Increment of The Children Reading Population' . I want the materials connected with the topic (Utilization Public Library… 606 I searched the material in databases called Manda and Linda. Here are some results: - Holstila, Marja Lasten tietokirjallisuus ajanmukaiseksi : kehittämishanke (2001) - Tuominen, Kirsti Children, libraries and information technology : results of user need analyses (1997) - Lapset ja aikuiset kirjastonkäyttäjinä Keski-Suomen läänin kunnissa v.1987 /[ julk.] Keski-Suomen lääninhallitus. Kouluosasto (1988) - Meidän luokka kirjastossa / [työryhmä: Raisa Alameri-Sajama ... et al.] (1996) - Lastenkirjastotoiminta Hämeen läänin yleisissä kirjastoissa vuonna 1988 (1988) - Eskelinen, Raili Yleinen kirjasto lasten lukemisharrastusten ohjaajana (1973) You can ask these books in your library. If they are not available there, you can make…
I am looking for information about gender preference with parents in unborn/born child. 558 I found some full-text articles of son preference in the EBSCO article database. I'll email them to you each separately. In the union catalog of the Finnish university libraries LINDA there were following references: Thomson, Elizabeth: Gender and the value of children. Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988 Stattin, Håkan: The short- and the long-term implications for parent-child relations of parents' prenatal preferences for their... Stockholm : University of Stockholm, 1989 Stattin, Håkan: Delinquency as related to parents' preferences for their child's gender : a research. Stockholm : University of Stockholm, 1989 And some article references from the medical database Medscape: Marleau JD, Berthiaume M, Saucier JF,…