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Will you please tell us if you have any materials about Islam history in Scandinavian countries. Thank you so much. 1096 There is a little Wikipedia article about Islam in Sweden: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Sweden#History Here you have also a book about Islam in the Nordic and Baltic countries: Islam in the Nordic and Baltic countries / edited by Göran Larsson (2009) Here is a review of it: http://static.sdu.dk/mediafiles//Files/Om_SDU/Centre/C_Mellemoest/Viden… This book is in collections of some university libraries and in the library of Parliament: http://linda.linneanet.fi/F/UKV8H2GEV7EXP8YDR7ASYIMXL9MPYAU6D4C2F7PN22M…
Which king was called the sun king and when did he live? 1121 Louis XIV was called the Sun King (“le Roi-Soleil” in French). He was born in 1638 and died in 1715. For more information, please see the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_XIV_of_France.
What is the reason for learning classic literature today? 3336 There is no simple way to explain why one should read classical literature. Indeed, the knowledge of classical literature is useful in more ways than one. Here are a couple of points worth pondering. First of all, we have to make a distinction between classical literature and the so called classics, the former pertaining to ancient Greek and Roman literature in all its forms and later literature such as, for example, 18th and 19th century world literature. Let us assume that the question concerns European heritage. So in the following, we refer with classical literature refers mainly to the great masterpieces of the Greek and Roman civilizations. However, we have to remember that both Greeks and Romans owed much to the preceding Egyptian…
I would like to know about the origin of the English language. 936 You will find lots of good web pages about the origin of the English language simply by using the search terms "english language history" in any internet search engine. E.g. here is one thorough article on the subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_English_language If you would like to get more personalized answers to your question, I would suggest for you to turn to some "Ask a librarian" service in any English-speaking country. We Finns might not be the best possible specialists of the English language.
I'd like to know about the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 1470 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: http://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/past/famine/index.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/famine_01.shtml Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…
Can you tell me when were the first public libraries appeared in Finland? And where they were built? Thank you. 1268 Public libraries in Finland celebrated their bicentennial in 1994. The founding meeting of the Vaasa Reading Society in the Province of Ostrobothnia on the west coast of Finland took place on the 2nd of August 1794. Although the reading Society was originally meant for its members and partners, other people were also allowed to borrow books for payment. The Reading Society in Vaasa was thus both a "proprietary" and "subscription" library. (Ilkka Mäkinen: Reading Societies in Finland, in Yleiset kirjastot Suomessa. Vaasa 1994, p.104) The library of the Vaasa Reading Society can be considered to be the beginning of public libraries in Finland. The first public library in Helsinki was founded in 1819, and in Viipuri a public library was…
I want to know concise history of finnish public libraries. 1222 The first public library in Finland was opened in 1794. Members of the Vaasa (town in Western Finland) regional court of appeal established the reading society and reading library for their own amusement, but they also lent books for money to other people in town. Since the library was open for everyone, it is fair to say that it marked the beginnings of public library work in Finland. The first so-called parish or municipal libraries were established in the 1830s and 40s. These can be seen as the genuine predecessors of the modern Finnish public library. The term ´public’ was borrowed from the United States in the beginning of the twentieth century. Finland’s geopolitical position between Sweden and Russia has influenced whole society,…
Could you tell me about history of Finland or suggestion web site.Thanks. 876 Here are a few links where you can find information about history of Finland: http://www.finland.fi http://virtual.finland.fi/History/ http://www.makupalat.fi/historis.htm
What does Helsinki mean? 1674 The oldest form of the name Helsinki is Heelsingha. It's thought that it means the oldest population living on riverside of Vantaa River. They were swedish-speaking and were coming from Hälsningland. Later Helsinki was the name of Helsinki parish, foregoer of Vantaa city.