Greetings! I live in the United States. My family has always believed that our ancestors originated from Italy. Come to find out, we are from Finland! I have… |
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The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in
Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus)
The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 and a call costs 9,95 mk/min + local call charge.
The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI
It might be that your family name was originally Jaakola or Jaakkola. In order to find your ancestors you can contact The Genealogical Society of Finland Liisankatu 16 A FIN-00170 Helsinki Finland
Telephone +358-9-278 1188 Fax +358-9-278 1199 E-mail