I am searching for a complete list of which finnish authors (novels) who have been translated into danish! Can you please help me???? |
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Thank you for your enquiry.
The complete list of Danish translations of Finnish novels and poems is listed on Finnish Literature Society's webpage. The database is maintained by FILI (Finnish Literature Exchange). The address is following: http://dbgw.finlit.fi/fili/kaan.php
You should just choose "Tanska" (=Danish) from the "Käännöksen kieli" (=the language of translation) menu. Then you have to click grey button "Hae" (=search) below. As a result you will have all the Danish translations of Finnish literature from year 1845 to 2006.
FILI has also new unfinished database that lists all the published translations from the year 2007. There is also English version of that new database: http://dbgw.finlit.fi/kaannokset/index.php?lang=ENG
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