I am interested in Library work opportunities in Finland, however i am from Lesotho and have studies Diploma in Library and information studies in Lesotho |
182 |
You find information about conditions of eligibility from the websites of Opetushallitus (Finnish National Agency of Education):
In the websites of kirjastot.fi (libraries.fi) you can find open vacancies just now:
I am an American citizen who is a graduate student at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. I'm curious about what the process would… |
631 |
You can provide information about working on Finland from the website of Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö):
Please send any information pertaining to unemployment rate in Finland and its affect on the economy. |
1055 |
Have you visited webpages of Finnish Ministy of Labour http://www.mol.fi/english/index.html. Click
"press release and statistics" and then " Employment bulletin". In pages you`ll find information of unemployment rate in Finland from February 1998 to October 2001. Figures in the beginning of 1990`s you`ll find in Statistics Finland http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html. Click "Finland in figures" and "labour market". There you can also find other information concerning you problem.
Then you can try e.g following Finland-links:
http://www.eubusiness.com/… |