
3 results. Showing 1–3 hits.
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I am interested in Library work opportunities in Finland, however i am from Lesotho and have studies Diploma in Library and information studies in Lesotho 182 You find information about conditions of eligibility from the websites of Opetushallitus (Finnish National Agency of Education): https://www.oph.fi/en/services/recognition-and-international-comparability-qualifications In the websites of kirjastot.fi (libraries.fi) you can find open vacancies just now: https://www.kirjastot.fi/ammattikalenteri/avoimia-tyopaikkoja  
I am an American citizen who is a graduate student at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. I'm curious about what the process would… 631 You can provide information about working on Finland from the website of Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö): http://www.mol.fi/mol/en/02_working/05_foreigners/index.jsp
Please send any information pertaining to unemployment rate in Finland and its affect on the economy. 1055 Have you visited webpages of Finnish Ministy of Labour http://www.mol.fi/english/index.html. Click "press release and statistics" and then " Employment bulletin". In pages you`ll find information of unemployment rate in Finland from February 1998 to October 2001. Figures in the beginning of 1990`s you`ll find in Statistics Finland http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html. Click "Finland in figures" and "labour market". There you can also find other information concerning you problem. Then you can try e.g following Finland-links: http://www.vn.fi/vm/english/national_economy/turku_ecofin/ecofin99.htm http://www.internationalspecialreports.com/archives/99/finland/8.html http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pn/1999/pn9995.htm http://www.eubusiness.com/…