Please do you have a twi language story books for kids? Thank you Gifty |
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We have a few. There are 6 children's books.
Helmet |
We are parents with a 5-month-old baby. We are looking for books to read to her. Unfortunately we cannot go to the public library anymore, it would have been… |
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You can find books for babies in Helmet libraries by the term "paksulehtiset kirjat" (books with thick pages), and then choose books in English language, if you like. You can find them here:…
Also a key word "toddlers" could be useful:…
A children's picture book, ca 1965, in which a tiny Scotsman meets the Loch Ness Monster, Nessie, and becomes her friend and calls her "Wee Beastie". Does it… |
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The book could be Ted Hughes' children's book "Nessie the Mannerless Monster", which was published in 1964. The picture book has lovely illustrations by Gerald Rose. You can find pictures of book cover and illustration by googling, but here you can find a couple of photos: |
I need a book about (Type 1 diabetes) for children in English that I can read it to my diabetic child. I wanted it with colourful pictures and in a simple way… |
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Unfortunately there isn't children's books about diabetes in english in Helmet libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Libraries): children's books about the subject are available only in finnish and swedish. The search on the database of The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature didn't bring results either.
There seem to be a few books you are looking for in international online stores. There is also three free self made books about diabetes under the following site:
I am looking for a list of books that are AGE appropriate for 5-year old or 6-year old kids. Also, if you have a list of games (example: Afrikan tahti), that… |
961 |
Here are some children´s weblinks with reading tips and booklists. (Sorry, but in Finnish only)
Kuvakirjat eri aihepiireistä…
Board games for children in HelMet libraries………
Could You be so kind to recommend to me the most popular Finnish children books (evergreens)? Books should be written by Finnish author and not necessarily… |
982 |
I will base my answer on an enquiry carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in 2004 (
2080 people answered to this enquiry by giving the titles of childrens books that were dearest to them. Some can well be defined as “evergreens”. Although the answers included books by foreign autors too, I will only list those by Finnish authors.
The books on Moomins by Tove Jansson are cherished and enjoyed by young and adults. Jansson began writing the Moomin-books in 1945. She wrote 9 novels on the Moomins. Her production on the Moomins includes 9 novels, picture books and cartoons. Beside the Moomins, Jansson has plenty of other literary works. Her mother tongue was Swedish, thus her works were… |
Can you help me find a list of sixth grade reading books that doesn't include poetry but does include fiction non- fiction, and classics Thanks |
814 |
Scottsdale public library has listed some books for 6th-graders: .
Some schools have made their own lists of recommended literature, for example .
Some book pulblishers have also listed their suggestions: .
It’s not difficult to find more in the Internet using any search engine by using such search terms as ‘book lists’ and ‘6th grade’.
In Helsinki City Library librarians have listed book tips for each grade: They are in Finnish, but there are some originally English books on the list for 5th and 6th grade pupils:… |