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I am looking for the Finnish lyrics to a lullaby about a bad shepherd boy who stole a child's turnip. Thank you! 153 Maybe you mean the rhyme "Tii tii tikanpoika", which is also sung. There are a few different versions of it. "Tikka" is a bird, a woodpecker, "tikanpoika" is a young woodpecker. "Nauris" is a turnip. "Paimenpoika" is a shepherd. Sometimes it is "talonpoika", a peasant, who eats the turnip. Here are some versions: Tii tii tikanpoika kylvi tielle nauriin. Tuli paha paimenpoika, söi sen tikan nauriin. Tikka se itkeä tillitteli, paimenpoika nauroi. Tii tii tikanpoika teki tielle nauriin. Tuli tuhma talonpoika, söi sen tikan nauriin. Tikka se itkeä tillitteli, mutt' talonpoika nauroi.     Digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi, Meidän lasten aapinen / Aukusti Salo ; kuvittanut Rudolf Koivu, Otava, 1935, s. 26. Kansalliskirjaston digitaaliset aineistot…
What is the origin and mening of the surname ‘Keinonen’ 538 Surnames 'Keinonen' and 'Keinänen' are both believed to be derived from the word keino which in the Savonian dialect carries the meaning 'trap, snare, (a hunter's) trail'. Pirjo Mikkonen & Sirkka Paikkala, Sukunimet
Would you have Steve Blank's book: The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company available at the library? Thank you in… 236 Unfortunately, The startup owner's manual is available only as an interlibrary loan - we don't have a copy of our own. As interlibrary loans can sometimes turn out costly, you may be interested to know that the book is directly available at the TAMK library (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu) in Kuntokatu 3. https://tamk.finna.fi/Search/Results?lookfor=startup+owner%27s+manual&t… https://www.google.fi/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fi&geocode&q=kuntokatu+3+t…
My grandson has a summer reading project to complete before school begins this August. He and I are trying to obtain information about Finland's status… 474 In short, Finland and Germany were allies from 1941 to 1944. During that time German troops were based in Finland, but the country retained an independent democratic government and was never occupied. The co-operation ended in 1944, and Finland declared war on Germany. Here are some worthwhile sources of information online. ThisisFINLAND by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: http://finland.fi/life-society/main-outlines-of-finnish-history/ An article by C. Peter Chen in World War II Database: http://ww2db.com/country/Finland In Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Finland_during_World_… Printed sources: Lunde, Henrik: Finland's War Of Choice: The Troubled German-Finnish Coalition in World War II (a…
Is there a CD recording of a Finish military or military-type brass band playing FINlANDIA? 761 You probably mean Finlandia, op. 26 by Jean Sibelius. There are some CD recordings of the complete Finlandia played by a Finnish military(-type) brass band. I found these four: 1. 90 vuotta suomalaista sotilasmusiikkia : Puolustusvoimien juhlalevy (2 CDs and 1 DVD, Puolustusvoimat SAMCD 90, 2008) (Finlandia played by Sotilasmusiikkikoulu) 2. Viimeinen asemiesilta (Poptori 50181052, 2006) (Finlandia played by Kaartin soittokunta, the hymn part sung by two male choirs) 3. Puolustusvoimien Varusmiessoittokunta 17: Suomalaista sotilasmusiikkia 3 (PEttus-os SAMCD-22, 2003) (Finlandia played Puolustusvoimien Varusmiessoittokunta 17) 4. Haminan Soittokunta: Viisi vuotta (Haminan Soittokunta HamSKCD-1, 2001) (Finlandia played by Haminan…
In the book Courage: The life and and execution of Arndt Pekurinen what is the first name of the corporal who agrees to execute him for treason? 1163 In Erno Paasilinna's book, the name of Pekurinen's executioner is Otto Asiainen. Corporal Asiainen was a 21-year-old carpenter from Lestijärvi. He agreed to shoot Pekurinen after the first candidates to carry out the task, sergeant Joonas Kivelä and private Kaarlo Kinnunen had declined captain Pentti Valkonen's request.
Could you give me some information on the origin of the word nisu? Is it a Swedish word? When did pulla replace this word? I live in Ohio, and the Finnish… 2136 According to the etymological dictionary of modern Finnish language the word “nisu” has an analogue in all of the near related languages. Karelian and Estonian languages have the word “nisu” and the Veps language “ńižu”. Also the Sami language knows the word “njizzi” which is apparently derived from the same origin. The word is most likely a derivative of a word that means breast or teat (the Finnish word “nisä”). The concept of this is that the product of the teat (which is white and sweet milk) has same qualities that the mild-flavoured grain (wheat). In the Finnish literary language “nisu” has appeared since Agricola and it has been the primary designation of wheat until the 19th century. The word “pulla” is a loan from “bulla” in the…
Does Tampere library have access to e-journals about music and musicology? 404 Hi! We don't have any access to e-journals about music and musiology. But we have access to Oxford Music Online, which includes for example Grove Music Online. More information: http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/public/ http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/public/about Oxford Music Online isn't e-journal and you can used it only in library.
I'd like to know ablout the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 24 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: http://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/past/famine/index.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/famine_01.shtml Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…
I would like to know the origin of the term 'Yellow Journalism'. 1177 The term "yellow journalism" was derived from Robert Outcault's comic strip "The Yellow Kid" around 1895. The battling newspapers, Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal, were both accused of sensationalizing the news. Both also published the Yellow Kid. The term was at first "yellow kid journalism" but was then shortened as "yellow journalism". More information about the background of the term: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0111500/spanamer/yellow.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism
Which nation's territory Antarctica is? 991 Antarctica does not belong to any country. Several countries have made territorial claims, but they are not generally recognized. More information about Antarctica and also about the Antarctic Treaty, an international agreement regulating the use of the continent, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica.
I'd like to know about the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 1487 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: http://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/past/famine/index.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/victorians/famine_01.shtml Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…
"Semantic Relation And Its Application to Information Science". Please give some reference or the links on that for my Seminar. 655 You might find the following references useful. Daconta, Michael C.: The Semantic Web : a guide to the future of XML, Web services, and knowledge management (Indianapolis (Ind.) : Wiley , cop. 2003) Hurford, James R. The origins of meaning (New York : Oxford University Press , cop. 2007) Information modelling and knowledge bases XIX (Amsterdam : IOS Press , cop. 2008) Semantic Web services : theory, tools, and applications (Hershey : Information Science Reference , cop. 2007) Stuckenschmidt, Heiner: Information sharing on the semantic web (Berlin : Springer , cop. 2005) Here's also a master's thesis from The department of information studies, University of Tampere: Pursiainen, Tanja´: Modelling the frontier : cross-cultural ontology…
I am writting an Essay on Scandinavian Party Systems, However when searching the database i could not find books/journals on this in English. Could You Maybe… 578 Searching the online catalogue of Tampere university and using the search words ‘Scandinavian party system’ gives you one result: - Berglund, Sten: The Scandinavian party system(s): a comparative study, Lund:Studentlitteratur,1978 Seaching in internet you'll have more relevant search results by using search maschines for scientific information only like the Scirus (http://www.scirus.com/ ) or Google Scolar (http://scholar.google.com/) and using the search words ‘Scandianvian party system’ or 'Finnish party system’ etc. One article dealing with the Finnish political system you’ll find at the address http://www.soc.utu.fi/en/studying/programmes/TheFinnishPoliticalSystem… There are even more results for this search. You can try it. Helpful…
Can get web sites and /or addresses of Finnish companies for smartcard based business solutions, such as: - T&A Clocking - Access Control - IT Security -… 676 Here is the site of Aldata –group http://www.aldata-solution.com/. It is one of the leading Finnish companies that sells smart card solutions to business. For instance our library has a smart card solution from them. On this page you’ll find their customers in different countries on retail and wholesale branch: http://www.aldata-solution.com/com/Customers/Retail%20and%20Wholesale/ They'll probably will tell you more about their finnish customers by e-mail if you contact them.
How do I view marriage records 630 You can’t view marriage records - if you mean official records which are kept by local register offices (maistraatti = http://www.maistraatti.fi/en/index.html ). They work together with The Population Register Center, which holds information on all Finnish citizens: (http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi/vrk/home.nsf/pages/index_eng). From the church (parishes) you get literary information about their members but you have to know the parish where the person is living. To get information about an individual from these registers costs. Some public libraries hold collections of old parish registers (mostly from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries). You can find old marriage information on these microfilms, too.
What finnish libraries carry out personal bibliographic informing in the Internet, like Aktiivi-PIKI in Tampere? 793 As far as I know, Pallas IntroActive system (in Tampere it is called Aktvii-Piki -service)is the only library program used in public libraries in Finland that contains personal bibligraphic informing part of the library services via Internet. But Tampere is not the only library that uses Pallas -library system (+ IntroActive)in Finland. For example Turku, Oulu, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Porvoo, Kajaani, Seinäjoki, Rovaniemi and Vaasa City Libraries and many other libraries use Pallas library system.
Do you have fax machines available at Tampere City Library? 258 I'm sorry to inform You that we don't have fax machine for public use. Would You like to use Our Internet services instead? Is it possible that You send Your papers in an attachment file by email. We have scanners, Internets and personal assistance in our Netsquares in Sampola and in Hervanta. More information on page http://www.tampere.fi/kirjasto/sampola/tietotori/nets.htm and http://www.tampere.fi/kirjasto/hervanta/tietotori/index.html
I am looking for a video on the French Revolution to show to my high school students in Parola. Do you have any to loan? Please let me know if there may be… 635 If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, http://kirjasto.tampere.fi:8000/ . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another…
Iam working on a thesis about Tove Jansson as a Swedish.finnish author. Do You know a library or archiv speziallised on her? 584 There is no special library dedicated to Tove Jansson, but in Tampere You can study Tove Jansson's Moomin works in a special museum called The Tampere Art Museum - Moomin Valley. The Museum is situated in the Tampere main library and it has a collection of Tove Jansson drawings and miniature works. More info on page http://www.tampere.fi/muumi/english/index.htm. The Exhibition even has a small database (in finnish) of the contents of Moomin books. The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature - Documentation and Information Centre for Finnish Children's Literature collects the works of finnish children's authors and also the studies and reference works. This Institute is also here in Tampere (http://www.tampere.fi/kirjasto/sni/sneinfo.…