Onko "keala" sama kuin "kiela" jollakin saamen kielistä? |
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Kiela (sarvikiela) on suopungin osa, perinteisesti poronsarvesta tehty kahdeksikonmuotoinen silmukka. Pohjoissaameksi se on (čoarve)giella. Sana giella voi tarkoittaa myös ansalankaa tai erityisesti riekonansaa.Saamelaiskielten etymologisesta tietokannasta voi etsiä saamen kielen sanoille vastineita eri kielissä. Esimerkiksi inarinsaamesta löytyy kielâ ja eteläsaamesta giële. Uumajan- ja piitimensaamesta ei tietokannan mukaan löydy sanalle vastineita.
Ainakaan Álgu-tietokannasta keala-sanaa ei löydy. On toki mahdollista, että kyseessä on jonkin vanhan, käytöstä poistetun oikeinkirjoituksen mukainen kirjoitusasu.
Pohjoissaamen kielestä löytyy vielä gealli/geala, joka tarkoittaa kelaa tai vintturia. Se on kuitenkin todennäköisesti lainattu… |
I am trying to find out if this book is translated to English og Swedish; Manuo Niskanen; Niilo Oravainen - Lapin kuningas. Niilo Oravainen was my forefather… |
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Mauno Niskanen lives in Jyväskylä and visits Lappland and is interested about Lappish items. This book is not translated into English, it's only in Finnish.
Niskanen writes in this novel book that Oravainen real mother was a Sami woman from Suikki family in Pakasaivo, Muonio.
You can read about him in Swedish here:
Några konungens fogdar under 1500-talet / Nordlander, Johan.
Norrländska samlingar ; Häftet 12 (III:2).Julkaisutiedot: Stockholm : C .E. Fritzes, 1933
There is also the family book about Oravainen family-tree:
Lapinvouti Niilo Oravaisen jälkeläiset : sukututkimus / Leinonen, Margit. - Kemi : M. Leinonen, 2013. - 505, 324 s.
Only in Finnish.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a student of library and information science at the HTWK, Germany and need to find information about the Lööw special… |
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Lööw-classification is a joint tool in the Northern Sami bibliography at Sami bibliographies in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia.
It was developed by the Norwegian librarian Anders Lööw for the joint Saami search. Hope we'll get it in near future in internet.
See here: http://www.nb.no/baser/samisk/klassifikasjon.html
How do people in remote areas get books? |
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People in remote areas get books by lending them in Bookbuses or Mobile libraries.
I got the question to here Rovaniemi, Northern Finland. But the same is in the remote places in Eastern Finland or Ostrobothnia.
There are bookbuses in 12 municipalicities from 21municipalities in Lapland and two bookbuses, which are common with many communities also in Sweden and Norway.
“Collaboration with the neighbouring area also involves the activities of two mobile libraries: the Muonio mobile library runs in four municipalities in Finland, in Sweden and Norway and the Karasjoki mobile library in three… |
What is the most northern library in Finland? |
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The most northern library in Finland is Ohcejoga/Utsjoki library.
Utsjoki municipality is a Sami municipality and they speak Finnish and
Northern Sami language there, English also. They have a common mobile library with Norwegian municipalities.
See: http://www.utsjoki.fi
I am interested in information about the work of Alvar Aalto. |
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You could visit these webadresses: http://www.alvaraalto.fi/alvar/buildings/index.htm
and http://www.alvaraalto.fi/viipuri/index.htm
and from http://www.alvaraalto.fi/museum/ you can find much more interesting info. - Naturally there are lots of books about Alvar Aalto, also in English.
Some of them you can find from our Lapin kirjasto
database, only write Aalto, Alvar to the subject heading in http://intro.rovaniemi.fi:8001/Intro?formid=form2&sesid=1105517099&ulan…
Maybe part of them are no more available in bookstores.
I am looking for the author or collection in which appears the Sami poem: "What the Months Say to Each Other". I found the poem "What the Months Say to Each… |
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The book where you can find this poem is written by Valerie Stalder. Legends and folktales of Lappland. London/Oxford, Mowbrays, 1972 ISBN 0-264-64582-0
(6. What the months say to each other in Lappland, s. 29-32)
Hope this helps you. The tale about the months is written in many books in Sami language. The very first time it was published by J. K. Qvigstad in: Lappiske eventyr og sagn, 1929.
I am looking for information about A. Alariesto, the artist from lapland. Is there any references about him in English. I am especially interested in the… |
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Thank you for your question! A good connection for you is:
She has written a book about Alariesto and is working at Rovaniemi art museum.
The book with English summary is
Andreas Alariesto 1900-1989, Ars nordica 6, 1994 (951-749-208-1)
You can leave your question also at the northern net information service
There you find also a data base where you can search about northern items by your self.