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I wish to donate some English-language scholarly books (film, theater) to your library. Please tell me how to do this. I am a legal resident of Filnland,… 96 You have gotten the answer from my colleague. So we are waiting for books.
Dear, Is it possible to have an interlibrary loan for this book: Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics : and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll, by… 103 This is possible get from Varastokirjasto. If You want it to interlibrary loan You can use this: https://kyyti.finna.fi/Content/asiakkaana#interlibraryloans
I would like to apply for an interlibrary loan. How can I do this? 123 If You want to get  interlibrary loan from Finland You must to go Your local library and ask them to send Your Interlibrary loan request to Helsinki City Library. Mail address is: kaukopalvelu@helsinki.fi. You should ask from  library fees for interlibrary loans. In Finland fees from other countries is something from 14€  to 25 € / loan.
Olemme Belgiasta perheen, jossa on 2 lasta. meillä on hollanninkielisiä kirjoja, joita lapsemme eivät enää lukeneet / eivät enää katso. voinko tehdä tämän… 183 Meillä ei hollianninkielisille lastenkirjoille ole käyttöä, mutta voisitte tarjota niitä Helsingin kaupunginkirjastolle, jonka asiakaskunnassa saattaisi olla myös hollanninkielisiä asiakkaita.
When an item says ,Work items 1, but - under borrowing possible, ordered and due date, does that mean it is available to be checked out or no? 857 In Kyyti-Library database search a line under Borrowing possible, Ordered and Due date means that the item is not free to be checked out. The reason can be the following: the item is either on the way to the customer or back to the library, or it is being handled by the library staff, or it is lost (and not yet withdrawn from the collection), or it is registered in the special local collection. Ask your library if you want to know the case of the item you are interested in.
Is it possible to make a Time Machine? 685 Building a time machine and time travelling are unsolved scientific problems. Some theories claim that it is possible and some deny. In Wikipedia there is an article on time travelling http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel. In the end of article there are many links to relevant websites. Here are few books about time machines and time travelling: Davies, Paul: How to build a time machine. London : Penguin, 2002. Le Poidevin, Robin: Travels in four dimensions : the enigmas of space and time. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003 Gott, J. Richard: Time travel in Einstein’s universe : the physical possibilities of travel through time. London : Phoenix, cop. 2002
What is the definition of plagiarism? 1174 According to BBC English Dictionary (Harper Collins Publishers, 1992) plagiarism is "the practice of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it". The word is also "used showing disapproval". More definitions can be found in Google. Write 'define:plagiarism' (without quotes) in Google's search box. You can found article on plagiarism in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism.
I am a Spanish student, and i need a book for research. The problem is that i don´t know where to look it up, and wether if i can find it in any of the… 213 Unfortunately, it seems that we don't have that book in any of the libraries in Finland.
Do you know a book - humour category, written by an englishman called neil ??? i think. he lives in finland now and the book is in both languages and made up… 578 Perhaps you mean Neil Hardwick´s book of causeries HARDWICK´S SAUCE ELI NEILIN PAKINOITA