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What does self service mean in regards to open hours? 245 During the self-service hours, there is no staff in the library but the premises are monitored using technology like cameras. In a self-service library, you can borrow and return materials, use customer computers, read magazines and newspapers, work or have meetings. A wireless network is available. The staff service hours and self-service hours are listed on each library’s website. Hämeenlinna main library, Hauho and Nummi libraries in Hämeenlinna and Tervakoski library in Janakkala have self-service hours. You will need Vanamo library card and pin code to get into these libraries. You have to log in with the entrance unit at the main door.  All our customers over 15 years of age are able to use Hämeenlinna main library during the self-…
I barrowed somethings from Espoo Library then i moved to Hameenlinna. is it ok if I give my books to Hameenlonna Library? Thank You 172 No, sorry, but you can't return books you borrowed from Espoo to Hämeenlinna. Espoo library belongs to Helmet libraries, and Hämeenlinna library to Vanamo libraries. You must return your loans from Espoo to Espoo or some other Helmet library. If you want to become a customer of Vanamo libraries, you need a new library card. You may obtain library card by presenting a photo ID at the service desk in any of the Vanamo libraries. Same card is valid in Hämeenlinna, Hattula, and Janakkala.
Are there any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish language available for borrowing from the library?? Thanks 631 I didn´t find any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish. I tried to search in Libraries.fi where is Frank Multisearch for all the finnish libraries. Also I searched in Google without success.
Why the coffee taste is bitter? 1475 There is a good explanation, why the coffee taste is bitter, on this web page: http://www.coffeeresearch.org/science/bittermain.htm.
Il ruolo della donna nel opera "Niskavuoren Heta" di Hella Wuolijoki. 1223 Per quanto riguarda la sua tema (il ruolo della donna nel opera "Niskavuoren Heta" di Hella Wuolijoki) io consiglierei la ricerca di Anu Koivunen (Performative histories, foundational fictions: gender and sexuality in Niskavuori films, 2003) . In finnico c'e quella di Marja-Terttu Halpio-Huttunen (Naisen asema Hella Wuolijoen tuotannossa, Turku 1972), che è essenziale. Vale la pena di informarsi anche dalla biblioteca di universitá di Turku.