I'm a student at Foreign Languages Faculty. I must find information on the following topic "Linguistics and translation".It's about the relation between the 2,…


Hi! I'm a student at Foreign Languages Faculty. I must find information on the following topic "Linguistics and translation".It's about the relation between the 2, and I cannot find anything. Can you help me please?
Thank you!


Last updated

If you are searching the Helmet Web Library (www.helmet.fi) you have to use Finnish or Swedish subject terms. By using the subject terms kielitiede (linguistics) and kääntäminen (translation) you get the following titles entries: Kielen ja kulttuurin saloja: In honorem Pirjo Kukkonen 5.9.2009, Helsinki, Semiotic Society of Finland, 2009 (texts in Finnish, Swedish and English); Translation Universals : do they exist? Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, cop. 2004; Tolkien, J.R.R. : The monsters and critics and other essays, London: HarperCollins 1997; Kieli ja tietokone: AFinLand vuosikirja 1996, Helsinki, Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus (English, Swedish, Finnish). By using the subject terms kielitiede (linguistics) and käännökset (translations) you can find also titles Genre-tekstilaji, Helsinki, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2006 (Finnish only) and Vehmas-Lehto, Inkeri: Kopiointia vai kommunikointia: johdatus käännösteoriaan, Helsinki, Finn lectura, 3.ed. 2002 (Finnish only). So at least those books you can find in city libraries of Helsinki area. I would also recommend that you visit Helsinki University’s City Centre Campus Library, department of Linguistics, Philology and Philosophy in Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40 B.

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