I'd like to know the meaning and history of the name Ivalo, which I was called in Greenland.


I'd like to know the meaning and history of the name Ivalo, which I was called in Greenland.


Last updated

According to Ante Aikio’s article ’Suomen saamelaisperäisistä paikannimistä’ (About Finnish place- names of Sami origin) in publication Virittäjä 1/ 2003 name Ivalo has origin in Sami language, Inari Sami ‘Avveel’. For more detailed information you can contact Research Institute for the Languages of Finland http://www.kotus.fi/ (choose ‘In English’ to get the page in English). They have a special Finnish name guidance by phone + 358 9 701 93 65, Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m.. By email you can contact Information Officer Sirkka Rautoja, sirkka.rautoja@kotus.fi or Library, kirjasto@kotus.fi. You can also contact directly a specialist in Sami names and place-names, email kaarina.vuolab-lohi@kotus.fi.

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