I am looking for the book, Ilkkan Suku by Jaakko Sarvela. The first edition was printed in 1979, the second in 1986. Thank you for any assistance you can provide!!
Jaakko Sarvela´s book Jaakko Ilkan suku printed in Ilmajoki by the Ilmajoki seura in 1979, 2.nd ed.in 1987 (ISBN: 951-99207-2-2) can be found in several libraries in Finland. I suggest you contact your local library and ask them to help you through the interlibrary lending system.
You can try to find information about your ancestors via the webpages of the Genealogical Society of Finland, http://www.genealogia.fi/indexe.htm .
The National Board of Antiquities Library is specializing in local history, http://www.nba.fi/LIBRARY/Infoeng.htm .
Institute of Migration (http://www.utu.fi/erill/instmigr/index_e.htm .) has a service for genealogists and the descendants of Finnish Emigrants which is called The Emigrant Register. Sources include passport records, passenger records of the Finland Steamship Company (Suomen Höyrylaiva Osakeyhtiö) and information on Finns deceased abroad. Passport records can be searched online from the homepage.
A useful gate to all search engines is http://www.kirjastot.fi/tiedonhaku/ . There you can search for information from Finnish Internet pages as well as from Internet pages made in other countries.
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