Finnish Libraries are using a software for their E services (like borrowing books online, finding a book in a library....) I want to know which software…



Finnish Libraries are using a software for their E services (like borrowing books online, finding a book in a library....)
I want to know which software Finnish libraries are using and who programmed the software and their contact info.


Last updated

In Helsinki City Library, we use Sierra by Innovative Interfaces (https://www.iii.com/products/sierra). It’s a commercial software. You can find more about the library systems used in Finland at http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi/kirjastoala/kirjastojarjestelmat#.V1Wlz015I5t. Especially Koha (http://www.koha.org) is interesting as it is an open source software.

Our E-book systems have been integrated to Sierra, but they use different commercial sites. They are OverDrive (https://www.overdrive.com/) and Ellibs (http://www.ellibs.com).

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