Dear Sir or Madam, I am a French librarian currently employed at the Public Library of Information. I am working on the organization of libraries as far as…


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a French librarian currently employed at the Public Library of Information. I am working on the organization of libraries as far as their website is concerned.
I would like to take foreign libraries as an example : that is why I would be pleased to know how the Helsinki City library is organized. Would you kindly answer these few questions ?

- Who writes the site's contents ? The librarians of each department ?

- Who brings the site up to date, technically speaking ? Is there a unique webmaster or do several employees act as webmasters ?

- Is there an editorial committee which decides on the outline of the website ?

- Which computer tools are used ?

- Which role plays the communication service of the library (if it exists) with regard to the website ?

- Can you think of any book or article which could be useful for me ?

It would be of great help to me if you could give me some information. I thank you in advance.


Last updated

In reference to your inquiry concerning the Helsinki city library and its organisation, I hope that the following provides sufficient answers to your questions.

- Who writes the site's contents? The librarians of each department?
Editor-in-chief writes most of the contents with the help of some other librarians.

- Who brings the site up to date, technically speaking? Is there a unique webmaster or do several employees act as webmasters?
The main webmaster from the Online Library Unit is in charge of the overall technical administration of the Helsinki City Library’s web site, but some libraries also have their own assisting webmasters.

- Is there an editorial committee which decides on the outline of the website?
Yes, we have an editorial board consisting of the publishing/communication service and the technical units, which is in charge of the overall editorial decisions. .

- Which computer tools are used?
Some of the computer tools in use are e.g. Dreamweaver, Photoshop, SiteKit (xml, which is based on the -technique)

- Which role plays the communication service of the library (if it exists) with regard to the website?
The communication/publishing unit produces some of the texts for the webmaster to publish.

- Can you think of any book or article, which could be useful for me?
We have found the following book to be quite useful: Designing Web usability / Jakob Nielsen, Indianpolis, IN : New Riders, cop. 2000

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