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Which is the most famous phrase referring to Karelia in the epic "Kalevala"? 1034 Kalevala, Finnish national epic, is a collection of Karelian folk poetry. Elias Lönnrot collected the runes from the Karelian people from different areas of Karelia: from White Sea Karelia (Viena), from North Karelia, from Ladoga Karelia. The name of the epic, Kalevala, can be understood as a fictional land of the people of Kaleva. Karelia as a place is mentioned in Kalevala in the following: Rune/row 3/180 20/17 20/37 20/54 20/75 20/452 31/8 31/13 31/360 31/364 48/258 50/477 The translation of Kalevala of John Martin Crawford of the year 1888 is in the internet, the address is: http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/kveng/ There Karelia is in the form Karyala. See also page: http://www.finlit.fi/kalevala/teksti/
I am working on an extended essay for my high school and would like to base it on the Finnish revolution (where it was freed from Russia). I am also… 745 I recommend these web sites for you: In English: History of Finland http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/hist.html This site is part of Virtual Finland, which is produced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. A Web History of Finland by Pasi Kuoppamäki http://ky.hkkk.fi/~k21206/finhist.html In Finnish: Suomi 80 : Itsenäistymisen vuodet 1917-1918 http://www.uta.fi/suomi80/ This site is maintained by Department of History at University of Tampere Suomen historian kronologia http://www.utu.fi/agricola/hist/kronologia/index.html Vuoden 1918 sota http://www.utu.fi/agricola/hist/aihe/sota/1918.html These two sites above are part of the Project Agricola, which is produced by Finnish universities, archives, societies, museums and…